Nic is a dedicated philanthropist actively supporting a variety of charities he personally feels connected to and through his Sunset Polo events. After spending time visiting a paediatric ward in Toronto, Nic found a passion for projects focused on the welfare of kids.
He is an ambassador for the Kids Cancer Foundation, FL, and is closely involved with the Neil S. Hirsch Boys & Girls Club of Wellington, FL, and The Buddy Program, CO.
Additionally he feels extremely fortunate to have supported various members of the British Royal family with their respective charities.
The grace, joy and enthusiasm for life of numerous exceptional boys and girls battling against cancer have inspired Nic to particularly support the Wellington based charity Kids Cancer Foundation, for which he is an Ambassador.
He feels blessed having the opportunity to interact with some of these most beautiful, loving, strong and admiral kids battling with something that restricts them from simply being kids.The Foundation’s mission is to provide in their community hope and support to children & families battling childhood cancer and/or blood disorders. They educate families about their child’s diagnosis and treatment and provide the emotional, financial and spiritual support the child and their family need throughout their journey
To make a donation or find out more please visit: www.kidscancersf.org.
Additionally whenever Nic can he participates in the Rally for Kids with Cancer campaigns and programs their aim to increase awareness and understanding of what kids go through and the issues their families face.

I’ve been very fortunate in all I''ve been able to do and all the incredible experiences that I''ve had during my journey as a professional polo player. As such I''m very dedicated to giving back as much as I can, working with foundations that are close to my heart.

Each year Nic spends several months playing at the Aspen Valley Polo Club, CO and he wanted to work with a local charity there to help whilst also spreading the word on the sport of polo and getting kids involved.
Nic discovered the Carbondale and Aspen based charity the Buddy Program through local photographer Michele Cardamone. He knew right away that it was a perfect fit. The Buddy Program empowers youth through mentoring experiences to help them achieve their full potential.
Since 1973, the Buddy Program has been empowering youth in the Roaring Fork Valley community through mentoring experiences to achieve their full potential. The organisation envisions a thriving community from Aspen to Carbondale in which all members are supported and connected through meaningful relationships and experiences to achieve success. The organisation does this work by running four mentoring programs, primarily serving youth. These programs include one-on-one mentoring as well as group experiential mentoring. They match adults with youth in mentoring relationships, having become one of the largest youth serving organisations in the area and are a 501(c)3.
The Buddy Program offers professional case management, free activities for Buddy Pairs throughout the year, extracurricular activity scholarships for youth, therapeutic counselling and other services. Program evaluations demonstrate that the Buddy Program has helped their Little Buddies in areas of self-esteem, decision making, academics and relationships with friends and family.
Lindsay quoted “The Buddy Program is thrilled to have this new partnership with Nic and his team. His influence can help spread the word about our mission and programs to a whole new audience!” Nic looks forward to having an ongoing relationship with this local non-profit, as he believes in the power of mentoring.
If you would like to give some support to the Buddy Program then please GO HERE.
Nic is also is a supporter of the Neil S. Hirsch Boys & Girls Club of Wellington, which in a fun way focuses on encouraging disadvantaged children and young people to develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to participate in society as productive, mature and responsible self-confident individuals.
To make a donation or find out more about this amazing organisation, please GO HERE.